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This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
Charles van Horne, who spent more than 22 years as an executive at funds-of-funds manager Abbott Capital Management while also pursuing an avocation as a painter and sculptor, died on April 16. He was 71 years old.
“Charlie was the heart and soul of Abbott and as such will always be remembered not only for his quick wit and antics but also for his dedication to the greater good,” wrote long-time colleague Katie Stokel in a post next to van Horne’s obituary on
Continue reading “Charles van Horne, long-time Abbott Capital exec, dies at 71”
Are you curious to see how your deal sourcing operation stacks up against your peers?
Take 10 minutes to participate in our bi-annual PE business development survey. Your responses will be used for statistical purposes only and will not be shared.
Everyone who fills out the survey completely will receive a complimentary copy of the full survey report, which this year is sponsored by SourceScrub, the leading deal sourcing platform.
Bonus Incentive! Everyone who fills out the survey completely will be entered in a pool to win a complimentary ticket to this summer’s online crash course on how to originate a great deal.
Best Regards,
David M. Toll
Publisher, Private Equity Career News
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.