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It’s a pleasure to present another great job opportunity—the role of director, operations—from Houston, Texas-based mid-market firm The Sterling Group.
The Firm: Founded in 1982, The Sterling Group invests in mid-market manufacturing, distribution and industrial services businesses. It is known for its hands-on approach to improving operations at its portfolio companies. The firm closed on its fifth investment fund last year, which was oversubscribed at $2 billion.
The Role: Working with the deals team, portfolio company executives and third-party consultants, you’ll be responsible for supporting the portfolio companies in the identification and execution of three to four major operations projects at any given time. Your responsibilities will include:
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This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.
This content is available to members who have paid for access. Please visit our membership page if you would like to become a member and super-charge your career.